It’s February… the month of roses, chocolates, expensive gifts and romance. If you’re single, why not give yourself a gift? Create an estate plan that you can count on (unlike that last boyfriend/girlfriend you had). Yes, single folks need estate plans, too.
Let’s paint a picture:
You’re single. You have two parents, whom, although are not quite elderly, are climbing in age. You have two siblings, one of which gets you, the other, well, she’s a “special” person whom you’ve never quite seen eye-to-eye with, at least on the important stuff.
You get into a horrific car accident and are in the hospital, in a vegatative state (so the doctors say). Who makes decisions on your behalf? Who decides what medical treatment you need? Do they know what you would want for yourself? Who pays your bills? Who takes care of Fluffy, your dog. Is it your frantic semi-elderly parents? Is it your crazy sister? Without the proper estate plan, you can’t control who makes these decisions for you; you depend on the decision made for you by the person chosen by the laws of your state.
It is necessary to make these decisions ahead of time, and although we may think ourselves invincible, bad things happen. Don’t wait to create an estate plan for your benefit.
To show our love for single folks, we are offering a 15% discount to any single person who creates an estate plan with us during February. Consultation must be scheduled for February and services must be rendered within a month of the consultation.