I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit this webpage and make it to the blog section. None of this would be possible without your support.
So, why elder law? Elder law is a personal area of the law. It involves interpersonal issues; familial issues that are not so easy to handle. My grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s when I was 16 years old. At that point, she still knew who I was and where she was living, but for the life of her, could not remember where she had placed her purse. The memory issues transitioned from the simple, “Where is my wallet?” to the complex, “Who are you?”
“Abuela, soy tu nieta.” “Grandma, I am your granddaughter.”
That exchange happened several times throughout the years until she could no longer speak and looked into space as if no one and nothing were standing directly in front of her.
It is the family of those who suffer from dementia that suffer the most. We see this strong being deteriorate mentally and physically, making even the most menial of tasks challenging. It is this very reason that I chose to practice in this area of the law: To provide comfort and assistance to those who were in the very shoes I was in as a young adult.
Yes, Probate, Guardianship, and Estate Planning deal with more than just the elderly suffering from some form of dementia. But my grandmother’s dementia is what pushed me to strive to help many families through difficult situations arising from the death or incapacity of a loved one. I look forward to serving you during your time of need.